Our Photo Reviews

Customer Photo 1

"The silicon is reassuringly strong"

- Ermira Young

Customer Photo 1

"Had to get my goat Rin, eye fits perfectly"

- Ibrahim Hanad

Customer Photo 1

"Best idea for an AirPods case"

- Raya Lee


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I track my order?

Head to the main menu, click orders and fill out your details for tracking!

How much are shipping fees?

KyotoCase offers complete free shipping for all orders!

What are the AirPod cases made out of?

They're complete silicon cases, specially used for case protection and a smooth feel!

Is it a sticker?

No, we use prints for all our cases. The material used ensures they won't peel ever!

When did AniPodz rebrand?

We rebranded in early Febuary from AniPodz to KyotoCase, we want to start selling all cases rather than just AirPods cases!

Our cases..

We make sure we're up-to-date on all the latest trends to find the best animes. This helps us offer cases featuring your favourite characters! Got any case suggestions? Hit us up!